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I have created videos and articles for you with information on the most common illnesses in cats, as well as answering the most frequently asked questions cat owners have. Scroll through the videos below or search for something specific in the search box!
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Oct 19, 20232 min read
What Cats Can and Cannot Taste
Cats are renowned for their finicky eating habits, often refusing foods that humans find delectable. But have you ever wondered what...

Aug 11, 20232 min read
Can I Use Expired Medications?
As cat owners, we strive to provide the best care for our beloved feline companions, especially when it comes to their health. One...

Jun 18, 20232 min read
Questions for your vet before anesthesia - "Where will my cat be recovering from their anesthetic?"
Anesthesia is an essential part of veterinary care, allowing for painless procedures and surgeries in cats. However, it's crucial to...

Feb 10, 20232 min read
Are Hairballs Normal in Short-Haired Cats? What You Need to Know
As a cat owner, you may be familiar with the occasional hairball your feline companion may hack up. However, did you know that hairballs...

Feb 3, 20232 min read
How often is normal for a cat to vomit?
As cat owners, it's not uncommon for us to see our feline friends vomit from time to time. Whether it's due to eating too quickly,...

Jan 27, 20232 min read
Does dry food help my cat's teeth?
As cat owners, we all want to ensure that our feline friends are healthy and happy. One area of concern for many cat owners is their...

Oct 21, 20222 min read
What's the deal with cat trackers?
One of the things I get asked about all the time are cat trackers. If you have ever tracked your cat you will know that it is fun and...

Oct 8, 20221 min read
Is there a vaccine for FIV?
FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus) is the cat equivalent of HIV. Cats get it from other cats, usually through fighting. A vaccine for...

Jul 29, 20221 min read
Why is my cat suddenly crying at night?
Is your cat cat keeping you up at night crying? Have they turned into a nocturnal wailer and no amount of food, petting or ignoring the...

Jul 22, 20221 min read
Is it ok to feed my cat dry food only?
"Is it ok to feed my cat dry food only?" This is one of the questions that I get asked all of the time. For your cat's long term health,...

Jul 15, 20221 min read
Why is my cat peeing on soft furnishings and piles of clothes?
"This advice has changed my life"... this is the impact this trick had on one cat owner that I let in on this secret a couple of years...

Jul 8, 20221 min read
Why can't I get rid of fleas in my home?
We have all been there - the fleas just won't go away. Maybe you keep treating your house and your cat, you try different flea...

Jun 24, 20221 min read
What is FIP?
The letters F I P mean nothing until you have watched cats and kittens die from the fatal disease feline infectious peritonitis (FIP),...

Jun 17, 20221 min read
Should I insure my cat
Is pet insurance worth it? I know with certainty that my 14 year old boy would not be here had I not insured him. I simply would not have...

Jun 10, 20221 min read
How often should I deflea my cat?
Fleas are an inevitable part of having a cat. Coming into summer we are likely to see more fleas, but it is not just in the spring and...

Jun 3, 20221 min read
What is a blocked bladder?
This is THE most important thing that owners of male cats should know about - how to identify a blocked bladder and what to do if you...

May 27, 20221 min read
How do I keep my cat cool in summer?
With summer fast approaching many of us worry about our furry companions overheating on warm days. There is plenty that you can do to...

May 20, 20221 min read
Is it normal for my cat's drinking to increase?
Are you filling up the water bowl more frequently for your cat? This may be an early sign that something is not quite right. There are 4...

May 15, 20221 min read
Do cats need sunscreen?
The last thing any of us want to do with our older cat is to put them through surgery or chemotherapy for skin cancer. Yet that is where...

May 8, 20221 min read
Should I bathe my cat?
Do cats need baths? There seems to be a lot of videos on social media and various shampoos and products to restrain cats to suggest that...
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