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I have created videos and articles for you with information on the most common illnesses in cats, as well as answering the most frequently asked questions cat owners have. Scroll through the videos below or search for something specific in the search box!
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Nov 17, 20232 min read
Clearing the Air: Understanding Flatulence in Cats
While a bit of gassiness might be amusing in humans, persistent flatulence in cats can be a cause for concern. Contrary to popular...

Jul 11, 20232 min read
Autumn - yet another season of itchyness for our cats
As the warm(ish!) days of summer transition into the colorful hues of autumn, certain pests start making their presence known. One such...

Feb 11, 20232 min read
Why your young cat is unlikely to have a UTI...
As a cat owner, you may be familiar with urinary tract infections (UTIs) and its associated discomfort and inconvenience for both you and...

Jan 20, 20231 min read
Vomiting after eating? Slow down mealtimes with a lick mat.
One common issue that many cat owners face is their cat eating their food too quickly and then vomiting it up. This is particularly a pro...

Jan 12, 20231 min read
The kitty trout pout
Have you ever seen your cat get a swollen lower lip and wonder why? This is super common in cats and happens because of an allergy. The...

Jul 1, 20221 min read
Toxoplasmosis in cats and human pregnancy
Toxoplasma is a parasite the can affect cats, and humans. It can be dangerous for pregnant women. There is a common misconception that we...

Jun 3, 20221 min read
Overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism ) in cats
An overactive thyroid, or hyperthyroidism, is one of the most commonly diagnosed diseases in older cats. Hyperthyroidism is also one of...

Apr 24, 20221 min read
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) in cats
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) in cats are infections of the bladder that can go on to infect kidney. They are commonly under-diagnosed...

Apr 24, 20221 min read
Pancreatitis in cats
Pancreatitis in cats is a very common cause of vomiting, nausea and lethargy. Would you know the symptoms of pancreatitis in your cat? In...

Apr 24, 20221 min read
Lily Poisoning in cats
The Lily plant and Lily flowers are fatally toxic to cats. Too many cat owners are not aware of this and vet regularly treat cats for...

Apr 24, 20221 min read
Heart disease in cats - counting resting respiratory rate
Hear disease is relatively common in cats. If you have a cat with a heart condition or a heart murmur or if your cat is on medication for...

Apr 24, 20221 min read
Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP)
Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is a relatively common viral disease of cats. It is caused by feline corona virus. This is not by the...

Apr 24, 20221 min read
Diabetes - Treatment, prognosis and diabetic remission
Diabetes is one of the most common illnesses diagnosed in middle aged cats. The symptoms of diabetes include an increase in your cat's...

Apr 24, 20221 min read
Diabetes: Causes, clinical signs and how to diagnose it
Diabetes is one of the most common illnesses diagnosed in middle aged cats. I will go through why cats get diabetes and what the symptoms...

Apr 24, 20221 min read
Dental disease in cats - Feline resorptive lesions
Dental or teeth problems are common in cats. Cats may have no symptoms, or they may have problems eating, eat on one side of their mouth,...

Apr 24, 20221 min read
Cystitis in cats
Cystitis is one of the most common conditions cats suffer from. Cystitis commonly causes cats to pee the floor, on the bed or generally...

Apr 24, 20221 min read
Chronic vomiting and/or diarrhea in cats
Chronic vomiting and diarrhea are common in cats. Some cats only have vomiting, some only have diarrhea, and some have both. Sometimes...

Apr 24, 20221 min read
Chronic kidney disease: Monitoring and treatment
Chronic kidney disease (previously referred to as kidney failure) is one of the most common diseases of older cats. This is a condition...

Apr 24, 20221 min read
Chronic kidney disease in cats: Diagnosis and prognosis
Chronic kidney disease (previously referred to as kidney failure) is one of the most common diseases of older cats. This is a condition...

Apr 24, 20221 min read
Cat flu
Cat flu is common in cats. It is probably the reason that your cat gets a watery eye time and time again. It is also probably the reason...
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